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The Academy of Art, Creativity & Consciousness - Italy

A summer of exploring the deeper wells of creativity and inner knowledge

I had lost my spark. I was so busy with life that I simply forgot how thirsty I was. My own creative practice had hit a drought, and the rest of me was wilting. And then one day I learned about the summer course at the Academy of Art, Creativity and Consciousness in Italy. Off I went on a three month adventure, leaving all of my routine and stability behind to re-dedicate myself to creativity and give my heart and soul the nourishment it was longing for.

This was a transformative experience of daily practice. Not always a walk in the park, as creative exploration does not always and only lead to the light and fluffy elements of self, and living in close-knit community in a tiny mountain village for an entire summer, day in, day out, had its own beautiful teachings too. I was no longer living in the daily nine to five city life, and a fountain of all kinds of new was flowing abundantly. This was an unforgettable and important experience in so very many ways.

If you have the opportunity to give yourself the experience of a period of deepened creative practice, I highly recommend it. As a fellow participant who has been part of the teachings at the academy for years shared - she was still just now processing some of what was created in practice years ago. And such is the art of living.